Endorheism refers to regions where water drainage does not reach the sea. Endhoreic watersheds, valleys or lakes are closed hydrological systems, as opposed to exorheic watersheds, which flow on the surface towards the ocean.
WP Glossary Term Usage
- Lengguru: une mosaïque d’écosystèmes originaux
- Un massif vieux de dix millions d’années
- Equipe botanique
- Equipe herpétologie
- Expédition Lengguru 2014
- Les secrets de Lengguru
- The secrets of Lengguru
- Karstology – hydrology team
- A ten million year-old massif
- Lengguru: a mosaic of original ecosystems
- Botany team
- Herpetology team
- Lengguru 2014 expedition