Passionate scientists share their life experience and their speciality


Sophie Quérouil interviews a few scientists involved in the Lengguru research programme. The Lengguru research programme studies the processes and interactions between geodynamics – biodiversity – human societies within the karstic systems of Western Papua. Beware, you must wait for the page to be fully loaded in order to listen to the interviews In French : Evy Ayu Arida (LIPI) specialised … Continue reading

Sorting out day


Sunday 23rd November, from the APSOR in Sorong. The days consists in unloading the dhow, as well as cleaning, sorting out and putting away the equipment. A few more efforts and quite a lot of sweat, but the return is fast-approaching. (translated by Lara Denis, L2 SVC–Life & Earth Sciences–UM2, France)

Back to Sorong


Saturday 22nd November, from the APSOR in Sorong. The journey to Sorong carries on smoothly. We dock at 5:30 pm. The students of the ASPOR are on the dock, waiting for us. They help us unload, which is very appreciated by all the passengers. The dhow, a little slower, arrives in the evening. Our Indonesian colleagues arrived with the ferry … Continue reading

Bye bye Kumawa


Wednesday 19th November, from the Airaha 2. The morning consists in dismantling the camp and transferring equipment to the Airaha 2 and the dhow. The zodiacs are going back and forth to load the boats. Before leaving, the women gather to take a photo of the ladies of the expedition. Sylvie is missing, she went back to New Caledonia midway, … Continue reading

Back from the summits


Tuesday 18th November, from the camp in Kumawa. The mountain summit explorers (Vincent, Christophe, Antoine and Philippe, accompanied by Olivier) came back yesterday from their treck. The climb and the descent were very tough. Only Vincent and his guide, Deman, managed to reach the top at 1,425 meters, because it was so steep. The researchers and the guides had to … Continue reading

Summits and waterfalls


Wednesday 12th November, from the base camp in Kumawa. The ornithologists and herpetologists, accompanied by Vincent, the “botanist-climber”, are going today to the peaks of the Kumawa mountain range. There is no time to waste because they plan to climb to a height of 1,600 meters. A team of porters is going with them, carrying food and water for the … Continue reading

On our way to Kaimana


Saturday 8th November, from the dhow. Saturday is being spent travelling from Urisa to Kaimana. We should have reached our destination (the Kumawa mountain range) without passing through Kaimana again, but an unexpected event has obliged us to return. Indeed, the Airaha 2’s captain has lost a relative and has gone back home to Sorong for a few days. The … Continue reading

Last day in Urisa


Friday 7th November, from the base camp in Urisa. While everybody is busy bringing down the camp, the ornithologists and the herpetologists are back from their stay near Sewiki lake.They tell us about their adventures. The terrain was rugged and difficult, overlooked by very steep, unstable and sharp-edged limestone lapies. Their stay was punctuated by violent storms, which were a … Continue reading