On our way to Kumawa

Monday 10th November, from the Airaha 2.

Here we go, we are leaving for the Kumawa mountain range!

The dhow left as early as early as 7 o’clock this morning, and the Airaha 2 at 3:15pm. Knowing that the dhow sails at a speed of 5 knots (nautical miles per hour) and the Airaha 2 at 6.35 knots, and that the total trip was 52.5 miles long, what time and how long after the dhow did the Airaha 2 arrive? Did the passengers land the very evening?

Trip map: from Kaimana to Kumawa

Trip map: from Kaimana to Kumawa

On the way, pdf icon Tony wrote a report (in French) on his activities in Lobo and Urisa.

(translated by Marion Ducatillon and Audrey Jacques, L2 SVC–Life & Earth Sciences–UM2, France)