Monday 27th October, from the ground base camp.
This morning, Sophie has gone to sea with Jean and Jean-Pierre who have volunteered to be the skippers, accompanied by Aurélien and Simon from the film crew. The programme includes finding and identifying the dolphins that were spotted the day before in Triton’s bay. After an hour of wandering on a very calm sea, there they are! These are dwarf spinner dolphins. There are more than a hundred of them. They let themselves be approached and photographed without any trouble.
This afternoon, Jean-Pierre and Bernard, our two hydrologists, go on Lengguru river to measure its flow. Christophe accompanies them to test his electric fishing equipment which won’t work properly. And this time, it works!
Tonight the Airaha 2 is back in the harbour. What has struck the divers most these past few days is a night dive, fifteen meters deep. They were delighted by the proliferating life and the magnificent colours swarming before their eyes.
(translated by Victor Wastin, L2 SVC–Life & Earth Sciences–UM2, France)